The tapestry of the life of a medically complex family

Archive for June, 2011

“Being” a Family: Our 1st RedSox Game

Some days in our family are completely caught up in the managing of medical care & health-related events. On June 1 2011, we changed the focus completely and journeyed out to enjoy a long-standing family tradition. For generations our family have followed the RedSox and finally the Fearsome Threesome was able to take in their first game at Fenway!

Before the game, we achieved parking magic thanks to some connections with the local police. As we entered the park, I became nostalgic, breathing deeply in the atmosphere of this monumental event for my family. I paused a moment, adjusting the suction bag, oxygen tank and preschooler, and took a second to remember the children who I brought with us in spirit. Being in this place brought them close to me again, renewed my resolve to enjoy whatever part of this event that we were able to attend, and brought tears near the surface at the enormity of this moment.

I am so very thankful my children were well enough to make the trip. I am thankful we had a nurse who could come with us and help out with monitoring the twins’ reaction to the heat. I am thankful to have experienced the RedSox game with all 4 of my children. Sitting there, looking over at the four of them living this experience, I realized that, regardless of future events, they will ALWAYS have this moment together- I will always have this moment. The RedSox were not able to overcome their opponent during this outing, but WE, family of 5 including 2 micro-preemies with trachs and a newly minted adult, overcame some truly remarkable opponents and lived this experience together.

Our family's first RedSox game at Fenway Park